What started as an infatuation, became her passion...
Established in 2016, Mcrediblee Hair, better known as The M Suite at Sola Salon Studios, is beyond the typical salon experience and deeply rooted in creating a package that is uniquely you. From the moment you grace The M Suite with your presence, it is all about you. Each creation is exclusive and individualized to suit each client. The M Suite specialties include, but are not limited to,
•healthy hair
•blunt bobs
•hot highlights
•perfect blends and vibrant hues of color
•sleek ponytails
As the owner of The M Suite, Monét’s artistic abilities are beyond compare. She caters to her clientele by providing a top-notch experience laced with comfort and creativity. As an artist, she is most inspired by color, as widely displayed on her Instagram page, mastering the levels of dimensions on the regular basis. In addition to her years of experience, Monét also hosted her own ponytail workshop in 2017 which offered stylists specific techniques to master the sleek ponytail. On the other side of the brand, Monét is a mother, style maven, explorer, and huge football fan.
Next up, Monét, via The M Suite and Mcrediblee Hair, will be providing educational opportunities to both future and current stylists, in the areas such as mastering coloring methods.
While you are browsing the site, please check out the other tabs for more detailed salon and hair information. Also, do not forget to shop the 2020 Mcrediblee Bad Hair Day Hat and Shirt Collection - the perfect wearables for those not-so-perfect days.
For any additional inquiries, or to stay connected, please don’t hesitate to email Monét at monetstykes@mcredibleehair.com